Road to Somewhere; The Financial Sector's Guide to The Future

Think: Business Futures show

Summary: Today, the 24th of November 2020, marks the release of the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative's new roadmap to reshape the countries financial system in the wake of droughts, bushfires and a global pandemic. Comprising of 80 organisations across major banks, insurers, super funds, civil society, and stakeholders, the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative has handed down 37 recommendations that will enable the financial services sector to deliver a transition to a net zero, resource-efficient and inclusive economy. Joining me today to discuss the road map, are three contributing academics from the University of Technology Sydney. Dr. Scott Kelly, Research Director at the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney. Professor Robynne Quiggin, Associate Dean (Indigenous Leadership and Engagement), The Dean's Unit at The University of Technology Sydney And Dr. Deborah Cotton, Senior Lecturer in the Finance Discipline Group at the University of Technology Sydney.