Season Three Ep. 74 // Noah Herrin on Gen Z Leading and Viral Jesus

Leading Second Podcast show

Summary: The leadership game changes for every generation. Millennials are almost 40 now and Gen Z are coming up on 25. Are you a Gen Z leader? Maybe you lead a team of them? If you don’t already, you’re sure to lead them in the very near future. Wherever you are on that scale, this conversation is for you! I hope this speaks to Gen Z leaders themselves, as well as to the pastors or people who are leading Gen Z. Our Conversation today is with Noah Herrin. Since the last time we had Noah on the Leading Second Podcast, he’s recently moved to Atlanta, GA where he is now on staff at Neighborhood Church. He is also the author of a new book! It’s called Viral Jesus: How One Man Broke the Algorithm Forever. I had such a great time talking to Noah about how we view and approach ministry today. We both have recently sat on the thought of digging the wells deeper in our own lives and truly focus ministry on making disciples. Those things don’t always come with big crowds and sexy titles but are so necessary. My hope in today’s conversation is that it will help us to be sharp and effective in leading a new generation of leaders and Christ followers called Gen Z.