The New Babel VS. The Church: Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy - Fr Peter Heers

Jay'sAnalysis show

Summary: Fr Heers returns to cover a wide array of topics, including his recent course covering Fr Seraphim Rose's Orthodox Survival Course, false ecumenism and the spirit of our age (Tower of Babel), ecclesial Nestorianism, the holy fathers, heresy and healing, today's caesaropapism, "Neo-Palamism" and the energies, the confrontation with Rome and their appropriation of St Gregory Palamas and the Apodeictic Treatise and the saints and elders most relevant to our day. <br><br>Fr Heers' Channel is Here: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>Uncut Mountain Press is here: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href=";utm_medium=rss&amp;utm_campaign=rss"></a>.