Xbox Series X Review Round Up - Kinda Funny Games Daily 11.05.20

Kinda Funny Games Daily show

Summary: Blessing and Tim unite for a shenanigan filled episode. Let's talk about Xbox Series X and S reviews, Warframe on PS5, and more. 00:00:00 - Start 00:08:30 - Housekeeping In case you missed it: There is a First Impressions that went up earlier in the week for Ghostrunner. Andy joins me to talk about the game and share his thoughts and impressions. That’s up right now on Youtube and podcast services. Extra Life is happening. This Saturday starting at 10am pacific time you can catch the whole Kinda Funny crew and our shenanigans for 12 hours straight as we’ll be raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network of hospitals. Catch it all going down live right here on and also community stream hosting starts friday @ 1pm pt And remember you can go to to donate As a reminder: Be on the lookout for PS I Love You XOXO in your feeds tomorrow (Friday) Thank you to our Patreon Producers: Tom Bock, & Black Jack The Roper Report - 00:11:45 - Xbox Series X Review Round Up 00:23:10 - Should the game(s) or lack thereof play a factor in the review of a console itself? - Best Friends Q:MamaThisIsGarbage 00:27:22 - PlayStation 5: Launch Day Orders are online only - PlayStation Blog 00:32:30 - Do you think that means another round of orders will be available on launch day? - Best Friends Q:Lunar83 00:35:30 - EA has extended UFC & NHL licensing deals - Brendan Sinclair @ GiBiz 00:39:45 - We have new Nintendo earnings 00:42:00 - Warframe is getting a PS5 update - Ethan Gach @ Kotaku 00:45:50 - Ad 00:48:00 - Demon’s Souls Remake on PS5 Doesn’t Use Ray Tracing - Iyane Agossah @ Dualshockers 00:52:10 - Out today 00:58:30 - Squad Up: Mikey2013(PS4) - @micrward#4969 01:01:00 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s Hosts:Greg and Blessing