How teachers can use writing to support wellbeing, with Beth Cregan

Teacher Wellbeing show

Summary: I have a beautiful conversation with Beth Cregan from Write Away With Me. Beth is a teacher and a writer and runs professional development on writing and creativity for teachers as well as teaching writing to students. We talk about how teachers can use writing to support their wellbeing, both individually but also collectively in staff groups, as well as how writing can be a powerful self-care practice. We also discuss how self-care practices really come to the forefront when we're already depleted but that we need to be extra gentle in starting up new practices in challenging times, plus the power of poetry and journalling. Beth also shares some great tips, one of which is called 'The Book of Wonderings', which is really all about how impactful it can be to ask ourselves and ponder on questions. So if you haven't yet listened to last week's episode about Self-coaching Questions for Teachers, I recommend that as a follow up. Also remember you can get the accompanying workbook in the freebies library at I recommend doing that soon too because when you sign up for the Freebies Library you also get to then receive 'The Advocate' which is the Self-Care for Teachers newsletter. I have some exciting things coming up in the next few months and early 2021 and I'll be announcing them first to readers of The Advocate, and they'll also get some special early bird options too! Now this episode was recorded late 2019, so when Beth says 'last week she went to rural Victoria', it wasn't actually last week at the time of releasing this in November 2020! And as with Bek's episode a couple of weeks back, there will be no mention of the pandemic in this episode because when we recorded this it hadn't happened yet. Beth tells me that since the pandemic some of the writing programs have moved online. I believe the writing program for students in already online and others are coming soon. The best place to connect with Beth these days is on Instagram and there's a Facebook page to follow also. Quick reminder about the Wellbeing Champions Meetups happening in a few weeks time, on the 18th and 21st November. These are for anyone who feels like they are the 'wellbeing person' at their school or who cares a lot about staff wellbeing at work, and so if you're listening to this podcast, that's probably you! So you are invited to this virtual networking event to Connect with others like you from around Australia, go to for more info. If you're listening to this after November 2020 go to that link anyway because there will be more of these events and details will be there. Resources mentioned in this episode: •Teaching with Fire: Poetry that Sustains the Courage to Teach, edited by Sam Intrator and Megan Scribner •Poems by Mary Oliver, including Wild Geese •Poems by David White •The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron •Eat Pray Love and Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert