Episode 7 of Speculate! – Adam Paquette Artist Interview

Speculate! show

Summary: Welcome to Episode 7 of Speculate!  The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we interview artist <a href="http://adampaquette.blogspot.com/">Adam Paquette</a>, whose work in the speculative fiction, gaming and other fields is both broad and deep.  Adam discusses the creative process generally and specifically in his own work, focusing for a good part of the interview on how he developed his cover for Brad’s forthcoming novel <a href="http://www.nightshadebooks.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&amp;p=190">The Winds of Khalakovo</a>.  If you enjoy the conversation, remember to check back in two weeks for Episode 8, where we’ll begin our next sequence of shows with a discussion of the work of <a href="http://nkjemisin.com/">N.K. Jemisin</a>.  Thanks as always for tuning in, and please continue to spread the word about the show!<br> Update from Brad: We’ve posted some of Adam’s wonderful artwork in <a href="http://www.speculatesf.com/art-gallery/">our art gallery</a>. Also, in the interview, Adam mentioned the early sketches of the cover art for The Winds of Khalakovo. I’ve posted the sketches and preliminary art he created for Winds <a href="http://quillings.com/2011/02/23/awesome-pics-of-the-winds-cover-creative-process/">on my blog</a>.<br>