Episode 109 of Speculate! — Interview with Bill Willingham

Speculate! show

Summary: <br> Welcome to Episode 109 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we come to you live from <a href="http://www.gencon.com/">Gen Con</a> as we chat with comics veteran and graphic novelist <a href="http://www.billwillingham.com/">Bill Willingham</a>, creator of the runaway hit comic series <a href="http://www.vertigocomics.com/fables">Fables</a>, about the movement between comics and games, the way a game differs (and has to differ) from its original source, and how he feels about that reality when it comes to <a href="https://www.telltalegames.com/thewolfamongus/">The Wolf Among Us</a>, <a href="http://www.telltalegames.com/">Telltale Games</a>‘ game based on Fables.  We even get to hear his story about how <a href="http://www.speculatesf.com/2013/05/08/episode-75-of-speculate-tim-powers-author-discussion/">Tim Powers</a> has knowledge he just won’t ever share with Bill, and why Bill’s given up trying to get him to do it!  Bill was a member of the <a href="http://www.genconwriters.com/">Writers’ Symposium</a> and had panels with both of us this year, and we were really happy with this interesting and enlightening discussion.  If you like what you hear, don’t forget to check back next week when we’ll have our roundtable discussion with Kickstarter Publishing Community Manager <a href="www.margotatwell.com">Margot Atwell</a> and speculative fiction author <a href="http://riyria.blogspot.com/">Michael J. Sullivan</a>; then it’s on to our discussion with authors <a href="http://erikscottdebie.com/">Erik Scott de Bie</a> and <a href="http://mariebilodeau.blogspot.com/">Marie Bilodeau</a>, an interview of <a href="http://www.jim-butcher.com/">Jim Butcher</a> and a new triptych of shows on <a href="http://www.annleckie.com/">Ann Leckie</a>‘s <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Ancillary-Justice-Imperial-Radch-Leckie/dp/031624662X">Ancillary Justice</a>.  Until then, thanks as always for listening to the show, and please continue to spread the word!<br> Additional Note: Our <a href="http://www.patreon.com/speculate">Patreon</a> is still going strong, but we need your help to keep building it!  We’ve already been able to hire a dedicated audio editor to streamline our editing and posting process, but we’re just getting started; if you’re able to support the show for as little as $1 a month (and get a few cool perks in the process), please head <a href="http://www.patreon.com/speculate">here to pledge to the Patreon</a>, and thanks!<br>