Forgive and Forget - 2

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: I want to remind you of the biblical story of Joseph. The Bible gives us many reasons why this patriarch could have been a very bitter man. His brothers hated him and sold him into slavery. His boss’s wife falsely accused him of a serious crime and had him thrown into an Egyptian prison. A government official promised to help him yet left him there to rot. Despite all these things, Joseph did not allow any root of bitterness to take hold in his life. As many lives are spoiled by bitterness and a lack of forgiveness as by almost anything in the world. People go through physical and emotional breakdowns because they refuse to forgive others. The longer we carry a grudge, the heavier it becomes. We cannot afford to harbor bitterness in our soul, as Hebrews 12:15 teaches. The Bible also says, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you,” Colossians 3:13. Have you done that? If not, jettison bitterness and forgive that certain someone today. You’ll also be free to reach your world. This is Luis Palau.