Ibrahim Al Mallouhi - Coffee with COVID-19 Podcast - Episode 4

Coffee With April show

Summary: Welcome to the Coffee with COVID-19 Podcast. A continuous series investigating the impact of COVID-19 on various different levels of the coffee industry. Our fourth episode is a conversation with Ibrahim Al Mallouhi, owner and founder of The Espresso Lab. Ibrahim is a key figure in the UAE coffee community, with The Espresso Lab prominent in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Ibrahim himself won the UAE Brewers Cup in 2018, and in this episode, we discuss the challenges COVID-19 has brought to the region as well as the recent evolutions of the business and the view to the future. You can find timestamps to each question covered in this episode below: 1:39 - What was your initial reaction to COVID-19? 6:28 - How has the lockdown affected your output and sales? 10:38 - What have been the challenges of opening the roastery at this time? 16:35 - What have been the main challenges of operating during COVID-19? 22:16 - How will COVID-19 affect your competition preparation? 24:10 - Have you changed your business strategy for 2020? 27:12 - What are your predictions for the near future? 33:21 - Where do you expect to find growth in the coming months? 35:57 - Conclusions and closing discussion If you enjoyed this content, make sure to check out our Patreon as we have several different ways that you can join and support our community: https://www.patreon.com/patrikrolf Patreon enables us to work on projects such as this one, and we're very appreciative of your support which ensures that we can continue producing sponsor free media content. You can contact us or our collaborators using any of the channels below: *********************************** Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aprilcoffeecph Webshop: https://aprilcoffeeroasters.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPlsOYZ8ZEam57EUCf3DKjg? Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/coffee-with-april Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/patrikrolf Email: patrikrolf@aprilcoffeeroastery.com / josephfisher@aprilcoffeeroastery.com Music by Andrew Blumhagen andrew.blumhagen@gmail.com https://soundcloud.com/andrew-blumhagen https://andrewblumhagen.bandcamp.com/album/vcf-boi?fbclid=IwAR1PDDdujPgnH_PjDGs9Spjc37WpkhNnV3iLk6SxONgYUF6MZ7I1Ka7MClE