How To Find Your Lost Self

The Brave Yes show

Summary: Every year that our children get older, a little more mature and a whole lot more independent becomes an opportunity for us, as mothers, to go deeper into who we really are as women. Motherhood changed me inside out. And, for the better for sure. I love who I am now. But figuring it all out wasn’t easy. I am hardly the same woman I used to be before children. It’s so easy to get lost in the motherlode of raising children who need so much from us at any given moment. But you can climb your way back out with time, space and attention to yourself. The reality is that getting to know ourselves while raising children takes intentional work. It takes time and space. It takes creative action and progress. And when we slow down and find connection to ourselves in the life we have, we open up an amazing amount of space in our life and minds for self-discovery, which helps us find our happy place in this life that all-too-often puts ourselves last. When we finally make time for what understanding what makes us happy, we’re calmer and more patient mothers and our whole family benefits. We all need to know how to stand out in the land of motherhood rather than get totally overwhelmed by it. Listen to this episode for my 3 strategies you need to find yourself in the midst of the rubble of motherhood and 2020. Does private coaching appeal to you? Learn more or book a FREE coaching discovery call here: