A Man Called Norman (Part 1 of 2)

Focus on the Family Broadcast show

Summary: On this classic program, a favorite among Focus on the Family listeners, Mike Adkins tells the humorous and poignant story of his efforts to befriend and share the Gospel with his neighbor Norman, a social misfit who was mocked by virtually everybody in their small town. You’ll hear how God not only changed Norman, but also changed Mike! (Part 1 of 2) (Original airdate: Sept. 5, 1984) Get a CD of today's broadcast for your donation of any amount: https://store.focusonthefamily.com/singleitem/checkout/donation/item/don-daily-broadcast-product-2020-10-29 Get more episode resources: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/episodes/broadcast/a-man-called-norman-part-1-of-2/ If you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback: https://focusonthefamily.com/podcastsurvey/