The Pre-BBC 6/Music, part 1: 2 BBCs

The British Broadcasting Century with Paul Kerensa show

Summary: Two British Broadcasting Companies! That's the result of the negotiations of summer 1922. Part one of this two-parter brings us two parallel storylines: boardroom debates (a la The Apprentice) and studio sing-songs (a la Top of the Pops). In this exciting episode, hear the voices and reminiscences of John Reith, Peter Eckersley, Arthur Burrows, Lord Gainford - those who were there as the BBC finally got its name. ====== This podcast is unaffiliated to the mighty BBC. We just like talking about them, and how they came into being. ...So your licence fee is not supporting this project! If you'd like to help keep us on air: chips in £3 or at £5+/mth gets you exclusive benefits and things. Thanks those who've joined! Thanks Will Farmer for the original music. Thanks for sharing us and liking us on Facebook and Twitter, and for rating & reviewing us. It's been all 5 stars so far and we love you for it - it helps get more ears on the podcast. Get your voice on the podcast by emailing a clip of your AM - Airwave Memories - 1-2min of you telling us your favourite early broadcasting memories. Or email us some words some FM - First-hand Memories - of times you saw radio or TV in action. What surprised you about it? Do tell. On this ep we mentioned Eddie Bohan's book: 'Rebel Radio: Ireland's First International Radio Station 1916'. More info on the book here. Your host Paul is on Facebook Live every Tuesday 8pm for PK's Uplift Live: a show of fun and games, unrelated to this podcast, but often with a broadcast history reading, because he can't resist. Paul on BBC Radios Sussex & Surrey can be heard here. Paul's appearances on BBC Radio 2's Pause For Thought can be heard here (find Paul's face. He has glasses. It's a bit like playing Guess Who...) Paul's Mailing list Paul's Books  Pip pip