SAPD Officer Art Dominguez

I Am Refocused Radio show

Summary: I was born and raised in El Paso. I grew up (for the most part) in a middle class neighborhood. I have a sister and half brother. (father) I played football from 8 years old and throughout high school. My parents were both very influential while they raised me. My mother was the oldest out of her siblings. She didn't graduate high school, instead she got her GED. My father was the first to graduate college from his siblings and enlist in the Army. My father grew up poor. My parents got married young and left to Germany for a hot second then ended up back in El Paso. When I was super young my father was working and going to college. Grinding. My father eventually graduated and became an electrical engineer at White Sands Missile Range. My mother (and father) started a business which would eventually be my first job. My mother purchased a "moon bounce", then 2 and 3. Eventually we had several and started manufacturing them. I was delivering those moon bounces as I attended high school. I was very impressed with my mothers determination/ambition and business mentality because I was aware she never graduated high school nor attended college. My mother also later sold the moon bounce business and opened up a flower shop. Growing up I had a cousin who was basically like my brother. Our mothers are sisters and at a young age they moved to California but we stayed very close. My uncles used to instigate fights between us and even often had us box each other. I spent several summers in California with my cousin and his family. I was a "mischievous" kid and wasn't sure what I career I would pursue. (had some kids I ran with or looked up that were not the best influence) I actually enjoyed fighting. I wasn't crazy about school by any means. I was in high school and it was my senior year I decided I wanted to be a police officer. I took a law enforcement class and my teacher Mr Robollo became someone else who served as an influence. Mr Robollo provided all types of information on LEO's, he was a retired officer himself. I was sold on becoming an officer and positive influence. I ended up graduating and was on the fence on rather I should enroll in college or enlist in the military. I eventually strongly believed I would be better off in the military then college. My father being former Army strongly suggested I join the Air Force. I studied for the ASVAB and scored high enough to enlist in the Air Force. I joined with the intentions of getting life AND law enforcement experience. I became very interested in being a positive role model so possibly coaching if LE did not work out. My goal was to take steps that would prepare me to excel in LE and eventually join LAPD. I actually signed up to be a police officer in the Air Force. Security Forces. I signed up and left to basic training with the understanding I would be automatically stationed at a base where I would be doing LE vs security (guarding planes etc). I was in tech school (SP school) when I found out there was a decent chance I can end up guarding planes. (I was afraid to end up at one of those bases) I got super lucky and ended getting stationed at Brooks AFB. (SA) I was determined to do whatever was in my power to be one of the best SP's on base. I was an active officer on Brooks when most officers were very laid back. I wanted to get familiar with narcotics and wanteds. (gate checks) I ended up becoming a member of the EST team (SWAT) and was lucky enough to attend SAPD SWAT school. I met several SAPD officers who were working as reservist at Brooks. These officers would tell me how prestige of a department SAPD was and how I may want to rethink leaving to California. I competed in a Air Force SP competition where a team of 5-6 of us trained and eventually competed against teams from other bases. These competitions included shooting, war games, and an obstacle course. I later planned on competing in a tough man competition. I started training at Heavy Weights Gym on Goliad....