Reverend Al Sharpton Talks New Book: 'Rise Up'

I Am Refocused Radio show

Summary: ABOUT THE REVEREND AL SHARPTON AND RISE UP<br><br>No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, the coming 2020 Presidential Election stands to be one of the most consequential in our nation's history. With the leading political parties diametrically opposed on the path forward and seemingly unwilling to compromise, November is a clear critical juncture for the future of America. IN what will be his seminal call to action, RISE UP: Confronting a Country at the Crossroads (Hanover Square Press; 9/29/20), the Reverend Al Sharpton draws on his decades of unique experience as a civil rights leader, a politician, and a television and radio host to encourage voters to stand up for what they believe and enact change in their country.<br><br>Our nation today stands at a crossroads, a historical turning point that both tests our moral character and endangers all that we have fought to gain. If we are to preserve our sense of morality and build a clear and just path forward, we must not only take a hard look at our collective failures and shortcomings but also reclaim our core values. In RISE UP, Rev. Sharpton revisits the highlights of the Obama administration, the 2016 election, Trump's subsequent hold on the GOP and his interactions and relationships with other key players in politics and activism. He also amplifies the new voices and movements that have emerged in response to the Trump presidency, closing with an epilogue of the eulogy he delivered at Georgy Floyd's funeral.<br><br>Rev Sharpton addresses:<br><br>. The devastating effects of COVID-19, and how it has illuminated the stark inequities of our country - from racial disparities in wealth and health to a lack in federal leadership.<br><br>. The "Latte Liberals" who seek to protect the status quo - and their own privilege - at the expense of actionable change.<br><br>. The nascent and necessary rise of women in politics, the effects of toxic masculinity on the African American community and the power of the #MeToo movement.<br><br>. The importance of LGBTQ+ rights and equality throughout the nation, intersectionalism, and the positive effect of acceptance within the black church community.<br><br>. Immigration control and the moral responsibility Americans have to offer a safe harbor to those fleeing oppression.<br><br>. Climate change, and the effects of pollution on predominantly black communities.<br><br>' . How to be an activist, using the media and controversy to be heard.<br><br>Rev. Sharpton's enduring ability and willingness to take on the political power structure makes him the preeminent voice for the modern era, a time unprecedented in its challenges. A profound examination of the American soul and a clarion call to action, RISE UP offers timeless lessons for anyone who's stood at the crossroads of their personal or political life, weighing their choice of how to proceed.<br><br>ABOUT THE REVEREND AL SHARPTON<br><br>Rev. Al Sharpton is the host of MSNBC's "PoliticsNation" and the founder and President of the National Action Network (NAN), one of the leading civil rights organization in the world. With over 40 years of experience as a community leader, politician, minister and advocate, the Rev. Al Sharpton is one of America's most-renowned civil rights leaders. Sharpton also hosts the nationally syndicated radio show, "Keepin' It Real", which broadcasts in 40 markets, five days a week. He resides in New York.<br><br>Get the book 'Rise Up' <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br>Follow Reverend Al Sharpton <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>For more interviews visit: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>Podcast Sponsors:<br><br>Rockafellas Barber Shop San Antonio<br><br>Rico...