New Moon in Virgo, Libra Season, Mercury besieged and Mercury in Scorpio

The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf show

Summary: We chat about the discerning New Moon in Virgo drawing our attention to where we can bring more organisation, efficiency and simplicity in our lives, and touch how Saturn’s realism and Jupiter’s buoyancy may manifest in the energy of this time. The Sun moving into Libra (22 September) marks the equinox and moving into the last quarter of this crazy year. Fairness, peace, and equality are all themes brought to the fore, plus opportunities to find Venus balance and pleasures in our lives. Mercury tiptoes through the cardinal minefield on 23/24 September, first squaring Saturn and then opposing Mars. Find out some of the ways to consciously channel this energy so it doesn’t come out as worry or concern. The probing energy of Mercury into Scorpio starts on 2/3 October, as we dig deeper and ask the hard questions to find truth and justice. Difficult emotions may be closer to the surface, but healing is possible when the logic and reasoning of Mercury is used. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are the Water Trio up to? Cassandra’s Mars Retrograde Circle is happening and her next course on Aspects starts on October 1, find out more about both via Kelly’s latest online training on the Moon Phases, Fixed Stars and Role of Sect, find out more via Alicia’s New Moon Magic workshop is happening for the Virgo New Moon, register via