SPM 200: Project Big Picture - Opportunity or Opportunism?

Set Piece Menu Football Podcast show

Summary: The football: For a long time, and in the last six months more than once, we've been talking on SPM about how football's structure might have to change, particularly in the context of how its flimsy foundations have been exposed by Covid 19. Well, as it turns out, others have also been discussing potentially seismic changes to the traditions of English football. We consider whether Project Big Picture is devised with the spirit of opportunity in mind, or if it's blatant opportunism, with the architects using the pandemic as an excuse to attempt to get what they've always wanted. The food: It's our 200th episode, so Hugh bought a cake. This is not only inappropriate, as it's not a birthday, but also in the wrong home, because Rory's son is actually celebrating a birthday. Hugh will be mindful of both these things while he eats the whole thing himself. Thanks for all your support over the 200 episodes of Set Piece Menu, give yourselves a pat on the back. And then send an email to setpiecemenu@gmail.com, or give us a 5 star review on iTunes!