DolphinsTalk Podcast: 2020 Dolphins Season Preview Roundtable Discussion Daily show

Summary: On today’s Daily Podcast we have a special show as we have a Roundtable discussion amongst a few of the Staff Members regarding the upcoming 2020 Miami Dolphins season. On today's show, you will hear from Mike Oliva, Tom Ernisse, Ian Berger, Josh Katzker, and Aaron "THE BRAIN" Katzker. We go over our 2020 Miami Dolphins Season Predictions we made, which is an article we currently have up on this website where each of us predicts all of the Dolphins games for the 2020 season. In this roundtable discussion, we give you some insight and our thought process behind our picks. We also pick on Adam Gase for a bit and say unkind things about him and his head coaching ability and tell you why the Jets may be the worst team in the league, as well as predict one surprise and one disappointment from the Dolphins in 2020. Then we close the show with each of us making our Super Bowl prediction for this upcoming season on who will win it all.