John Lentz - Cash Flow + Small Business

Standard Deviations with Dr. Daniel Crosby show

Summary: Now in his 31st year as a financial professional and Partner of Strategic Wealth Group, LLC. John is a Chartered Financial Consultant and member of MDRT's Top of the Table. SWG's mission is to help clients establish goals, make efficient decisions and implement macro strategies to reach those goals. Tune in to hear: - Why is it potential a mistake for small business owners to count on monetizing their business at a later date? - How to create cashflows today for your small business rather than relying on a future exit - How does one get their clients to consider potential negative events when it’s so hard to swallow that these could be on the horizon? - Why it’s prudent for business owners to consider their exit strategy from day 1 when starting a business - What qualities do financial professionals share with caretakers?