Episode 13: Talking about medicines in culturally and linguistically diverse communities

NPS MedicineWise Podcasts show

Summary: In this episode NPS MedicineWise medical adviser and GP Dr Anna Samecki talks with Veronica Nou, a community pharmacist working in western Sydney and recipient of a 2020 NSW Humanitarian Award. This week (7-11 September 2020) is NSW Multicultural Health Week, with a focus on health literacy and the safe use of medicines. In this podcast, Anna and Veronica discuss some of the health issues experienced by culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and some practical ways health professionals can help improve medicines literacy and communications, especially among vulnerable populations. Further reading: NSW Multicultural Health Week: www.multiculturalhealthweek.com Ethnolink: COVID-19 translated resources www.ethnolink.com.au/covid-19-coronavirus-translated-resources The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National): www.tisnational.gov.au NPS MedicineWise: Download the NPS MedicineWise Medicines List in English and 10 additional community languages www.nps.org.au/medicineslist NPS MedicineWise: Links to COVID-19 information translated into community languages www.nps.org.au/COVID-19-in-language