S2E9 | Compound Nouns, 30 years later, & Events

Hier & There. The podcast of the Germanic-American Institute (GAI Podcast) show

Summary: <p>The trio is back!</p> <p>Claudia, Katrin, and Michael discuss the concept of compound nouns, and we’re chatting about the 30-year anniversary of the reunification of East and West Germany. Claudia and Katrin share their perspectives, having experienced it all. It’s a trip down memory lane, and what it means to be reunited today.</p> <p>Also, the GAI has upcoming events and exhibits.</p> <p>“Stars and Stripes on the Rhein” - the relationship between Germany and the United States after WWI.</p> <p>Fallvergnügen: “Der, Die, Das” a class all about German articles.</p> <p>For all events and language classes, please visit <a href="http://www.gai-mn.org/">www.gai-mn.org</a></p> <p>###</p> <p>Since 1957 The Germanic American Institute has been building cultural bridges between the American Midwest and German-speaking European countries.</p> <p>We cordially invite you on the inside, to join us as we share insights into German grammar, the German cultural experience, we’ll look at current topics, and we’ll let you know about all the events that we are involved in, and you can participate in.</p> <p>If you'd like us to answer any questions you may have about our content, history, grammar, etc. please email us at podcast@gai-mn.org and we'll answer your question in the next episode.</p> <p>###</p>