Love-Bombing Is Emotional Intoxication: How To Become Immune To It

Save Your Sanity - Help for Toxic Relationships show

Summary: <p>When a #Hijackal love-bombs you, it's what you've waited for, hoped for, and finally think is proving that their love is real. It's a sham. It comes from their fear of being without readily available supply to provide validation, adoration, and someone to control Awful, but true! You don't want to play this game any longer, right? </p><br><p>You need insights and strategies to remember why you are no longer going to "buy" the love-bombing, even though you may really, really want to. You know it only leads to disappointment, so today I'm giving you six ways and a couple of <strong>suggestions for becoming immune to love-bombing,</strong> to listen and remember that <strong>love-bombing is all manipulation.</strong></p><br><p>I hope this helps you resist the urge to merge the next time a #Hijackal wants to woo you back with the<strong> weapon of love-bombing</strong>. </p><br><p>Big hugs!</p><p>Rhoberta</p><br><p><strong>HIGHLIGHTS OF TODAY'S EPISODE:</strong></p><ul> <li><strong>How love-bombing is manipulation of the heart and mind</strong></li> <li><strong>The short-lived nature of promises made to change</strong></li> <li><strong> #Narcissistic reasons for love-bombing</strong></li> <li><strong>Why you may be tempted to believe the love-bombing</strong></li> <li><strong>How to be immune to love-bombing</strong></li> <li><strong>Why love-bombing is psychological partner abuse </strong></li> </ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Want clarity, insights, strategies, and support from me, Dr. Rhoberta Shaler? We can talk: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>Introductory session for new clients, $97</strong></a></p><br><p><strong>CONNECT WITH ME: I invite you to like my pages and follow for further help with recognizing toxic relationships, realizing their impact, realigning your life, and recovering your self-confidence and ability to love and trust again.</strong></p><br><p><strong>FOLLOW DR. SHALER...</strong></p><p><strong>WEBSITE: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a></p><p><strong>PODCAST: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a></p><p><strong>FACEBOOK: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>TWITTER: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>LINKEDIN: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>INSTAGRAM: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>PINTEREST: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><br><p>YOUTUBE: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p>-------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>I WANT TO HELP YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT'S GOING ON AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!</p><p>If you <strong>want to learn more, share, ask questions, and feel more powerful within yourself and your relationships</strong>. Join my Support Circles now.</p><p>Off social media, safe discussion + videos + articles + webinars + personal home study program + group Saturday Support Calls with me.</p><p>WOW! Join now. <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Dr. Shaler's Relationship Help Circles.</a> 50% off your first month. . Safely off social media.</p><p>----------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>#lovebombing #emotionalintoxication #psychologicalpartnerabuse #lovebombingismanipulation #falsehopeofchange #immunetolovebombing </p><p>#savemysanity #saveyoursanity #relationshipadvice #tipsforrelationships #Hijackals #toxicpeople #mentalhealthmatters #MHNRNetwork #RhobertaShaler #narcissists #borderlines #antisocial #difficultpeople #emotionalabuse #verbalabuse #stoptoleratingabuse #toxicrelationships #manipulation #walkingoneggshells #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #abuse #narcissisticabuse #boundaries #personalitydisorder #difficultpeople #antisocialbehavior #lackingempathy #journorequest #prrequest </p><p><strong></strong></p><p>Support this show <a target="_blank" rel="payment" href=""></a>.</p><br><hr><p style="color:grey;font-size:0.75em;"> See <a style="color:grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>