Colt Not Making Any More Ar-15’s for Civilian Market

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Colt says they’re not making any more AR-15’s for the civilian market. That’s interesting. Why would they do that? Why would a company stop making something that’s profitable for them? Old photos of Justin Trudeau in black face and an afro wig, I don’t normally care too much about what happens in Canada. Why should I? But I thought this was interesting because not only have I never been or even thought of being in black face or an afro wig for that matter, I’ve never known or even seen anybody do it. So, it’s kind of fascinating to me why would someone dress up in black face. Well he’s catching a lot of flack for it. Interesting story. Houston got a ton of rain. Something like 3 feet of rain I read. That’s crazy. Ok, so there’s been more rain. Where’s Ocosio Cortez on this? Isn’t it a perfect story to support her New Green Scam? Where’s she been lately? The interesting story I want talk about is home delivery by drone. Walgreens is working with Google for a drone delivery service. Besides being interesting in itself I’m wondering, with the latest attack on Saudi Arabia with drones, how would you know if the drone is bringing you a package or a bomb? So hit the play button! Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott: