Democrat Debate: The Path of Self-Destruction

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Tonight will be another round of democrat debates. How many people will watch it? I'm guessing the fall out will be worse than the fallout from the NFL kneeling catastrophe. What are democrats offering? It certainly isn't hope and change. All they want to do is to get Trump out. Trump out of the way. Out of the way for what? So they can push socialism? So they can push the climate scare? So they can convince us that boys are girls and girls are boys. What does the democrat party stand for? Chaos and confusion. You're witnessing the slow painful death of the democrat party. Everything they are doing is back firing. The problem is the country's getting caught in the back blast. So hit the play button! Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott: