Awakening or Spiritual War? There's No Light at the End of This Tunnel

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: I have 3 stories I want to share with you today. 3 stories that illustrate the changing times we're living in. 3 stories that illustrate the conflict in our society. The differences in core beliefs. And that's the key, core beliefs. Where do our beliefs comes from? There largely passed down from generation to generation and there's a spiritual aspect to that. And, there's a shift going on. It's undeniable. You see it in the news every day. You see it in how peoples behaviors are changing. How attitudes are changing. Some are calling it an awakening, some are calling it a spiritual war. The ones calling it an awaking call this progress. The ones calling a spiritual war see it as destructive. I'll say this, we may be at a time when you have to decide which side you're on. The time might be right now.   The question is are people listening? So hit the play button! Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott: