Army Officer to Take Down Trump?

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: This whole Ukraine story gets funnier and funnier. Some Lt. Colonel who supposedly heard Trumps call with the president of Ukraine is saying he reported concerns. Well I'd like to report a few concerns too. He says he's a patriot, says it's his sacred duty to defend OUR country That's what the arguments about now, whether or not this guys a patriot. It's laughable. What did they do after they made up this whole story go look for a patriotic looking volunteer to take down the president? Did you listen to the call transcript? I read it. You don't have to take the patriots word for it This guy will get a big book deal now. He'll make millions off this. Whether or not any of it's true, doesn't matter. So hit the play button! Facebook: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE AT: Books by Christopher Scott: