Woman in Florida Used AR-15 To Stop Viscous Burglary In Her Home

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Last week there was a story on Fox news about a pregnant woman in Florida that used an AR-15 to stop a very viscous burglary in her home. You RARELY hear stories about people successfully defending themselves with guns. You’ll hear all the bad stories. Never the good ones. Pregnant Florida woman uses AR-15 to fend off burglars attacking her family This is the reason behind the 2nd amendment – to protect peoples right to defend themselves The 2nd amendment is a limit on the government – not a limit on the people – as is the case with all the rights in the Bill of Rights But this right has been polluted in so many ways. So hit the play button! John 3:16 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christopherscottshow/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Christo98177622 SUBSCRIBE AT: https://www.christopherscottshow.com/subscribe Books by Christopher Scott: https://www.christopherscottshow.com/books