Gettysburg Address: Independence Day 2020

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: Happy Fourth of July! Probably not what you would call a typical Fourth of July considering how recent events have impacted our lives. To the point the words freedom and liberty seem a little fuzzy these days. The country is very divided nobody disagrees on that. There’s protests and violence in many cities and most states. Not the best of times for our nation. But it is more than a minor inconvenience. The division will destroy us if something is not done about it. Lincoln said it at Gettysburg, “a house divided against itself cannot stand”. And here we are, firmly divided against ourselves. Because of that I thought the events and Gettysburg and the Gettysburg address would be a fitting reminder this Independence Day. Are we still calling it that? It seems so much has changed recently. View the full speech HERE: