POWC #302 – Going from Single Family to Syndicating Apartments with Jacob Blackett

Pillars Of Wealth Creation show

Summary: Discover how to scale up from owning single family homes to buying large multifamily apartment buildings through syndication. Jacob began his real estate career in 2010 as a sophomore at the University of Nevada, Reno, when he bought and sold his first two residential “fix and flip” properties in Southern California. Since he made the move to the Midwest in 2012, Jacob has placed over $50 million into income-producing real estate. In October of 2014, Jacob founded Holdfolio on the basis of creating partnerships to profit from real estate. At Holdfolio, Jacob primarily focuses on property acquisitions, financial planning, and business development. He also created SyndicationPro to provide syndication software for sponsors. 3 Pillars 1. Get lucky and work hard 2. Innovative product or service 3. Invest Books: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz You can connect with Jacob at www.syndicationpro.com and www.holdfolio.com Interested in coaching? Schedule a call with Todd at www.coachwithdex.com Sign up for the Northstar Real Estate Conference at www.nreconference.com and use code DEX for $50 off Connect with Pillars Of Wealth Creation on Facebook: www.facebook.com/PillarsofWealthCreation/ Subscribe to our email list at www.pillarsofwealthcreation.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsOfWealthCreation