This New Year, Be Still and Know – EP66

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Psalm 46:10<br> " still and know that I am God."be still and wait on the lordHello, and welcome back to the One Thing Podcast. I would like to wish everybody a very Happy New Year as we begin this new season and this new time.<br> "God calls us... to stop, to be still, and know that He is God." One of the scriptures that had come to mind, that I believe is so important, even for this new year to grasp is Psalm 46 verse 10 and it says to, “ still, and know that I am God”. And as we enter into this new year, you know, we live in a culture, we live in a time where there are so many different distractions that are so easy to distract us from God. Maybe so many different voices going through our hearts and mind; whether it be television, whether it be media, whether it be the worries of this world, whatever it may be - God calls us to himself this time, this season, this day to stop, to be still, and know that He is God.<br> "And in this new time and new season, walk with me in a new way, that I would be King" It takes a discipline, it takes a moment to stop, in order to come into a place of stillness with God. It requires us for maybe some of us to put the cell phone away. Maybe it requires for us to put the remote down for a day or for a week or for a time. But God is saying to stop, be still and know that I am God. Let me consume your mind. Let me consume your heart. And in this new time and new season, walk with me in a new way, that I would be King, that I would be the one to guide you every step, that I would be the one to empower you to do the work of my kingdom.<br> As we begin this new year... may we first of all be still and wait on the Lord. So let us stop, let us as we begin this new year, before we begin to make our plans, before we decide what we're going to do, may we first of all be still, and know that God is God. That he reigns eternally, that he is the King, and that those who trust in him, those who follow him, find life and light. Happy new year once again! And may we walk in the stillness of the Lord Jesus Christ this day as he guides us and as he leads us through.