Trump Kicks Covid - Dueling Dialogues Ep.232

Dueling Dialogues show

Summary: On today's show: Trump Kicks Covid - Dueling Dialogues Ep.232 Trump has coronavirus. Are the meds he got available to anyone? Does gut strength and attitude beat covid? Gaslighting MSM. Trump trailing by 14% in polls. Mederma and Pfizer both reporting vaccine side effects: headache, chills, and exhaustion. Is the left and media pressuring drug companies to delays? 10% of the world has had covid. DNI director John Radcliffe declassifies John Brennan's notes on Hillary. Trump calls of stimulus talks until after election. Stock market drops 300 points. College admissions dip. Led Zeppelin's song "Highway to Heaven" in copyright fight. Eddie Van Halen passes away. For a list of source links, visit