A Real Estate Strategy that Helped Me Build a Six Figure Passive Income Stream

Fire Drill show

Summary: Everyone's dream is to earn a healthy passive income every month.<br> <br> Jennifer and her husband earn 6 figures every year in passive income from their real estate business. The interesting part? They follow a slightly different business model and strategy. They also spend most of their time travelling around the world with their 4 year old child.<br> <br> You'll love that story.<br> <br> We also chat about...<br> <br> How Jennifer got started with real estate<br> Her property criteria<br> How to travel with a 4 year old<br> The pros and cons of renting out to disabled tenants<br> Her business helping out other investors<br> <br> For show notes and takeaways: https://www.firedrillpodcast.com/a-real-estate-strategy-that-helped-me-build-a-six-figure-passive-income-stream