“IT in The D” Hits The Airwaves, Fun Ensues – UPDATED

IT in the D show

Summary: So Monday night was pretty awesome.<br> <br> You know...if we do say so ourselves.<br> <br> In case you missed the memo (and shame on you if you did), our "IT in The D" live internet radio show went live at 9pm on Monday night.<br> <br> We had some great in-studio guests, a couple phone calls, and just a great time was had by all.<br> <br> The best part?  This coming Monday's shaping up to be even better...<br> <br> <br> <br> UPDATE: scroll down to the bottom to catch the links that will let you listen to this episode of the IT in The D show<br> <br> <br> <br> The evening began with some pre meeting Pabst Blue Ribbons, food, and wrestling talk strategic planning over at Third Street Saloon.  If you haven't been to Third Street Saloon yet, you absolutely should.  AWESOME little place, and it's an extremely safe bet that you will find us there every Monday night before we go on the air.  If you DO go, get the "SMOG" meat pie.  Trust me.<br> <br> The three of us met up, along with Russ Dotson (a recruiter from Brightwing who attends our events, and was one of our in-studio guests that night) , to just basically make sure our brains were all in synch.<br> <br> Which, of course, had nothing to do with the conversation that actually took place.<br> <br> From wrestling to Tazmanian Devil impressions (don't ask - long story), we chatted about anything and everything but the show that night.  In fact, we were a little worried that we were riffing and cracking each other up so much that we should have just been recording that conversation and playing it back on the air because we'd be out of material...<br> <br> ...but that was hardly a realistic concern.  You know us.  We can talk for hours and Hours and HOURS and still not even be close to "empty".<br> <br> And so, meat pies consumed and PBRs downed, it was time to make our way over to the studio, just a few minutes up the road.  After, of course, a quick stop across the street from the bar we were at to grab some snacks for while we were in studio.<br> <br> And beer.  Don't think for two seconds we didn't grab more beer.  What spinach is to Popeye, beer is to us.<br> <br> We arrived a little on the early side, and then proceded to climb Mt Everest walk up the four flights of stairs to where the studio is.  Got ourselves situated, shook off some last minute jitters, and then made our way into the studio and took our spots.  Which looked pretty much like you'd expect it would...<br> <br> If you want to come on the air with us, keep reading down...<br> <br> At 9:00pm on the dot (I know, I know...us starting something "precisely" on time is a bit shocking...good thing we're not the ones running things here), we began.<br> <br> The sounds of "The Eighties" by The Killing Joke hit the airwaves...and we were rolling.<br> <br> The Imperial March kicked in...and we adjusted our mics, and we were off and live and ohmygod this is crazy...<br> <br> But we did it.<br> <br> And from the feedback we've gotten, both during the show (yes, "thank you" to all of the people who sent us tweets, text messages, and all sorts of other distractions during the show...jerks...lol... ) as well as afterwards, it seems like it came across as well as we hoped it would.<br> <br> Thanks again for coming in, Wolfgang!<br> <br> At 9:30, we took a break and brought J Wolfgang Goerlich in studio with us to talk about his upcoming Security BSides conference that's taking place this weekend.  While tickets are all sold out (so it was a bit of a tease, sorry), they are live streaming all of the speaker sessions and talks.<br> <br> If you're in or around the security field, or just have an interest in it, you really do want to pay attention to these guys.<br> <br> They'll have everything from a lockpick village setup to hands on hacking demonstrations and even a scavenger h...