EP. 39 | Jillian Zavacky [Redeemed + Redefined]

The Messy Table with Jenn Jewell show

Summary: Have you ever made plans in your head, but they didn't play out as you hoped? Have you ever been defined by the world's labels or even your own mistakes—instead of by God? Y'all, Jillian Zavacky has BEEN THERE and is vulnerably sharing her story with us today at The Messy Table!<br> Jillian is the LifeGroups/LifeMissions Project Leader at one of our Life.Church locations, as well as a kitty mama, bold writer, loyal friend, and lover of God's Word. At 32 and single, she's sharing what it's meant for God to redefine EVERYTHING about her, even His purpose in her singleness. She wants to encourage you: Don't waste your season—whatever that season is! Don't do this crazy life alone! Instead of striving, choose surrender! Instead of listening to the lies of the enemy, let God REDEEM + REDEFINE you for His glory!<br> If that doesn't get you fired up, you might need to check your pulse. So grab (or reheat) your coffee, pull up a chair, and join us at The Messy Table!