IT in the D, Episode 18: Agile and Beyond, Toscano Media, Blue Argyle Media

IT in the D show

Summary: IT in the D, episode 18. Original air date 11/4/2013.<br> <br> Bob abandoned us for his stupid job, so it was Dave and Jeff holding down the fort with some really cool guests. We had Tom Churchwell in talking about the Agile and Beyond conference taking place in February, Jim Toscano and Danny Gianino from Toscano Media in talking about film making and what they do, and the photographer from our last two Pink Slip Party events, Cherry Volz, talking about her design and photography business.<br> <br> Oh, and we gave away some tickets to an upcoming concert at Saint Andrews Hall, and we'll be doing more of that in coming weeks...<br> <br> <br> <br> In our opening segment, we handle introductions of the guests, Bob calls in from Minneapolis, and we do our usual roundtable of discussing topics of interest from the course of the past week that have caught our eye, get some basics on the guests, and then make our valiant attempt at giving away tickets to a show Saturday night at Saint Andrews Hall.<br> <br> <br> <br> In our second segment, we catch up with the guys from Toscano Media. Kind of an interesting story here.<br> <br> They were working for a publication, that publication slashed out their staff, and so they were set adrift. They then decided to start their own business, and reached out to us via unfortunately, as you know, we don't do a whole lot of "video worthy" stuff (you can stop reminding me about the time I got slapped by a little Navy girl any time now), but Bob got me pulled into this wrestling thing he's a total fanboy of, and so I mentioned that to them, they loved it, and long story short they wound up putting together a commercial for them in like a day that aired on MyTV20 this past Sunday.<br> <br> So, we have people getting fired, deciding to be entrepreneurs and strike out on their own, doing a killer job of it thus far, and indulging us for our pet projects.<br> <br> Needless to say, a good story all around.<br> <br> <br> <br> They're available for video shoots (however, "no weddings"...seriously, weddings must be hell, because Cherry didn't want to do any either), and would love to talk to companies about internal or external projects they're looking at taking on and more. A link to their Vimeo profile is below, and here's the killer commercial they put together in next to no time:<br> <br> <br> <br> In our third segment, we chat with Tom Churchwell about the Agile and Beyond conference taking place in February.  They're still looking for speakers and sponsors, so hit them up while you still can!  Sounds like a great event to be at whether you're just learning about agile or a seasoned professional with it.  Give a listen to learn all about what's going to be taking place at their Feb 22 conference.<br> <br> <br> <br> In our fourth and final segment of the night, we talk with Cherry about Blue Argyle Media, locking yourself out of your own server, and what it's like dealing with parents and kids during photo shoots.  Also, what she's looking for in potential clients (hint: "not weddings"...common answer), her upcoming Christmas card photo shoots, and life as a mom with teenage kids while trying to also be an entrepreneur.<br> <br> <br> <br> That's all for this week. Tune in on Monday the 11th for a chat with i3detroit about painting like Bob Ross, fighting robots, and DIY workspaces along with the founder and organizer of the "Detroit Drunken Historical Society".<br> <br> I know...we can't wait, either.<br> <br> Links from tonight's show:<br> <br> Agile and Beyond conference:<br> <br> Toscano Media:<br> <br> The studio they shoot in:<br> <br> The little side-project they did for Bob and I that you should check out:<br> <br> Cherry Volz:<br> <br>