IT In The D: The Anniversary Show Broadcast

IT in the D show

Summary: IT in the D, the anniversary show.<br> <br> Anniversary..birthday...however you look at it, it wound up pretty much like most of our birthday parties over the years.<br> <br> Little too much alcohol, far too many pop culture references, and us laughing so hard we're crying.<br> <br> It was just that kind of show.<br> <br> Special thanks to our guests Jeff Haase and Mark from Falling Down Beer Company for coming in and hopping on board...<br> <br> <br> <br> hey, our first official sponsor of our live broadcasts!<br> <br> It was about eight million degrees in the studio tonight for some reason...and lucky for you, our group shot for the night was blurrier than all hell and so you're spared the pain of looking at our hot sweaty mess selves.<br> <br> You're welcome.<br> <br> From tales of midnight showings of Star Wars movies to various types of beer, this show was exactly what we told both you and ourselves that it would be - nothing serious, just hanging out and having a great series of chats.<br> <br> The highlights and key takeaways from tonight's show:<br> <br> - Falling Down Beer Company brews some fairly strong beer.<br> <br> - They're having an awesome event on Father's Day.  Six beers.  Five dishes.  A commemorative goblet.  And it's only $35.<br> <br> - No seriously, it's only $35.  They're even doing it twice - once at noon, once at 4pm.<br> <br> - Tickets are available here:<br> <br> - In the meantime, hey, walk in and tell Mark you heard him on the IT in the D show.  Odds are better than good he'll do something nice for you.<br> <br> - Oh, and Bob has never seen the Godfather.  Either 1 or 2.  That might have been a recurring theme throughout the night.<br> <br> - He's also not very fond of human interaction, as his rant during...ah, you know what?  It's in here.  Listen.<br> <br> Thanks again for listening, and thank you to our guests for joining us.<br> <br> <br> <br> You can find us at, on Facebook at, on Meetup at, and on Twitter at<br> <br> Falling Down Beer Company is at, and those tickets for the Father's Day event are at<br> <br>