IT In The D – Episode 48: Crossing the Streams, Operation Kid Equip and XICW Wrestling

IT in the D show

Summary: IT in the D, Episode 48.<br> <br> Or "Season 2, Episode 4" for those paying attention.<br> <br> If you've never listened to an episode of our show before, and if you never listen to another episode of our show again...the second segment of this one is all we can possibly ever ask that you check out.  It's an eye opening conversation that'll make you rethink your priorities.<br> <br> It certainly had an impact on us...<br> <br> <br> <br> This was probably one of the more disjointed, scattered episodes that we've had...but we'll own it.  We knew it would be walking in the door, but it's for a damned good cause - getting people aware of, and engaged with, Operation Kid Equip.<br> <br> Our first segment was the usual round of introductions around the room, a few news topics that caught our eye like the Supreme Court decisions that killed off Aereo and requires police to get a warrant to search your phone...and how you should react to that if they try.  We talked about some new facial recognition software that Ford is planning for future vehicles, as well as how the FAA is now classifying some toys you or your kids have sitting around as "drones".<br> <br> Our second segment is where things got serious and really knocked us back in our chairs a bit.<br> <br> Menachem from Operation Kid Equip joined us in-studio to talk about the various programs and services that they offer, and just exactly how many people are struggling to barely keep above the poverty line...or failing that struggle...and the impact that it has on the kids that their organization is dedicated to helping.<br> <br> I can't put a heavy enough emphasis on this - listen to this segment.  Like I said earlier, if you've never listened before, and if you never listen again...this segment is the one that we're literally begging you to give a chance.  It doesn't take much to help.  It's not hard at all to get engaged.  It's so easy to have a major, fundamental impact on a child's life right here in the area.<br> <br> And that's the point we really want to stress - these aren't kids in a commercial from some faraway land.  They're right here.  In your neighborhoods.  And you don't have to pony up thousands or hundreds of dollars.  Their newest program, Sponsor a Student, is looking for a few bucks.  Literally probably less than you blow on two drinks in a single night.  Buy a six-pack and use the difference from drinking in a bar and help these kids out.<br> <br> This is a volunteer driven organization.  They're not like a lot of places that are paying their CEO six figures and has a giant nest egg in the bank.<br> <br> AND THEY'RE HELPING KIDS.<br> <br> Look, we don't get "preachy" all that often.  We don't ask for damned near anything from anyone.  At all.  Ever.  ...but last night's conversation really kicked us in the ass and woke us up a bit as to some of the problems in the area and you can damned well expect that you'll be hearing more about Operation Kid Equip from us in the future and us being more involved with them in the future.  Honestly, how many times have you ever heard / seen me speechless?<br> <br> There you go.<br> <br> One simple, easy way you can get involved and have a great time while doing it is to join us on Saturday night at the XICW Detroit "BEST IN DETROIT: Border Wars" event that is a benefit event for Operation Kid Equip.  A portion of the ticket sales, as well as a 50/50 raffle and some other special events taking place that night will go to Operation Kid Equip.<br> <br> And it's live professional wrestling.  Big guys taking on big guys.  Not so big guys taking on other not so big guys.  Tag teams.  A cage match.  A ladies match.<br> <br> Look, it's no secret that Bob and I have gotten fairly heavily involved with this whole "wrestling" thing over the course of the past two years...and we've done so because we have a blast while we're ther...