IT In The D – Episode 59: Detroit SOUP, All Things Detroit, Daily Detroit Launches!

IT in the D show

Summary: IT in the D, Episode 59...and wow, this episode was just SOUPer!<br> <br> Ha ha, yeah, bad pun, sorry.<br> <br> Tonight we recapped our Pink Slip Party from last Thursday at the Majestic, discussed the latest round of leaked personal photos and movies from celebrities, and went all over the map with our guests from DetroitSOUP and All Things Detroit.<br> <br> And we even had the pleasure of being the platform for a launch announcement for our friends over at Daily Detroit.<br> <br> As to the details...<br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> We were joined in-studio by Amy from Detroit SOUP -, Jennyfer from Ask Jennyfer and All Things Detroit -, as well as Jeremiah, Patrick and Nick from Daily Detroit -<br> <br> In our first segment, we talked about last week's Pink Slip Party event.<br> <br> You can read the full recap of the event here:<br> <br> We also talked about the latest round of celebrity photo and movie leaks that took the internet by storm the other well as what it all means as a reflection on us as a society, people's reactions, and all sorts of other topics that wove in and out throughout the chat.<br> <br> DetroitSOUP took center stage for our second segment, and Bob earned himself the "I learned something today" merit badge.<br> <br> DetroitSOUP is a monthly dinner funding micro-grants for creative projects in Detroit.  Everyone shows up, pays $5, eats soup, and then there are pitches to be heard and voting to be done.  Whoever has the best pitch of the night walks away with the cash.  Kind of a cool concept, though not one that people traditionally think of when it comes to things like this, and we all definitely learned a lot about their processes, what they do, how they do it, and some of their success stories.  We definitely enjoyed having Amy join us.  Look forward to talking with her again in the future.  You can find out all about them and their upcoming events at<br> <br> Our third segment focused in on Jennyfer from Ask Jennyfer and All Things Detroit.  Ask Jennyfer is a branding and marketing company, with All Things Detroit being the core event.  All Things Detroit features...well, all things Detroit.  Products grown and made right here in the area, live demonstrations, giveaways and free stuff.  $5 to get in (though there's a Groupon out there for a buy one, get one free at, and you get to meet, see, and talk with people building and doing things throughout the city.  You can find out more at<br> <br> For our fourth and final segment...we had the pleasure of being the platform that announced the launch for our friends Jeremiah, Patrick and Nick of their new endeavor, Daily Detroit.  You may be familiar with these guys from their past work on other blogs and initiatives, and this is the next step in their evolution as content creators.  Focusing on the entire metropolitan Detroit area, their tagline of "What's Next For Detroit?" really says it all.  Their new site is a great destination for you whether you're looking for traffic updates, weather, things to do throughout the week or just the real deal on stories happening in the region.  So go check them out at or, and tell 'em we said hello.<br> <br> <br> <br> That's all for this time.  Tune in next week when we're joined by Annette, the community manager for Yelp, and long-time friend of the program Scott Sabellico.<br> <br> greatest yelp story ever:<br> <br> you can serve legal papers via Facebook?