Episode 100: Falling Down Beer Company, City of Detroit, K-Hubb and Her Corner, Daily Detroit, Random Guests and More

IT in the D show

Summary: Episode 100: the night of bad puns, occupancy code violations, Bob being rendered speechless, mayhem with puppets and so, so much more.  Had a really great night for episode 100 of our live weekly podcast, and with a room full of lively guests, we definitely didn't have a lack of topics, voices, opinions or laughter for the occasion...<br> <br> <br> <br> We were joined by our guests Mark Larson from Falling Down Beer Company, David Lingholm and Garlin Gilchrest II from the city of Detroit, Karen Hubbard from The Corner with K-Hubb Show...and also from our old studio and now her own network, Billy from Social Coop Media, our buddy Jeff Haase, Jer and Patrick from Daily Detroit, and a few other stragglers who wandered in to join us.<br> <br> As always, our first segment was a roll through the events, news and information that caught our attention over the past week.  From the shrine to the dead raccoon on a sidewalk in Toronto to the mayhem taking out the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines, missile batteries in Germany and a bunch of other things this week, we had a lot to talk about.  The continuing saga and spiral of Bill Cosby.  The idiot couple who thought having sex in public on a beach at 2:30 in the afternoon was a great idea.  Two separate incidents of people with selfie sticks getting struck by lightning.  All kinds of good stuff.<br> <br> For our second segment, we dove in with David Lingholm and Garlin Gilchrest II from the city of Detroit to talk about all of the cool stuff going on downtown.  From getting activity back in to the former shopping districts and less active neighborhoods to how an app has been helping them track service requests on potholes, manhole covers, broken lights, etc., to improve quality of life for the city's residents, it was a pretty interesting chat.  They both have great ambitions for what Detroit can be, and it's great that they're both on the inside working to make it happen.<br> <br> Mark from Falling Down Beer Company was front and center for our third segment.  From their new location opening up in Oxford later this year to an expansion from 8 to 20 taps at their original Warren location, they've got a TON going on.  Not that we're surprised, since this has been one of our favorite places and brands since they first came onto the scene, and we're sure they're going to do great things as they expand not only into new locations, but also into the wine and spirits lines of creation as well.<br> <br> Oh, and Jeff Haase had way too much fun with our Ruppits (they're puppets, but cooler) during this segment.  We barely kept ourselves from breaking out laughing.<br> <br> <br> <br> In our fourth and final segment, we hopped in with Karen Hubbard, our original Captain Soundboard and she of the Monday Night Meat Sticks quote from our intro.  She's been having almost as much fun as we have lately, with building out a new network, getting her own show fired back up after a hiatus, recently becoming single again and trying out the dating world...actually, come to think of it, she might actually have more going on than we do these days.  We also touched base with Billy Strawter of Social Coop Media, who always has something new and fun going on with his business as they're moving to a new space and looking to hire someone...like they always are these days.<br> <br> All that and more in episode 100, so give it a listen and laugh along with us.<br> <br> <br> <br> Our guests can be found at:<br> <br> Falling Down Beer Company: https://www.facebook.com/fallingdownbeer<br> <br> City of Detroit: http://www.detroitmi.gov/<br> <br> Social Coop Media: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Social-COOP-Media-Detroit/<br> <br> The Corner with K-Hubb: https://www.facebook.com/TheCornerWithKHubb<br> <br> Daily Detroit: https://www.facebook.com/TheDailyDetroit<br> <br> As always, we can be found:<br>