Episode 339 – C3 Technology Advisors, Coronavirus in Michigan, Events and Bars Closed

IT in the D show

Summary: Here we are a few days into the coronavirus chaos in Michigan.  Bars and restaurants closed, and so we've had to cancel our monthly networking event for the first time in 13 years... but our guest couldn't have possibly be more timely as we dive in to discuss remote working, doing things effectively while remote, how to keep yourself on track and rolling...<br> <br> <br> <br> C3 is at: https://c3techadvisors.com/<br> <br> <br> <br> Live from the quarantine studios here at podcast Detroit. This is the it and the D show. We made it all the way to episode three 39 guests this week include Jason and Taylor. They are from C3. We're going to be talking about worker mobility and remote office technology solutions. And the best part is that we didn't even plan. It wasn't planned like this. No, like that's one of the C3 that's one of their core focuses and uh, I thought what a great time to, I'll talk about it. So we're gonna uh, you hear that sound that those are the VPN engines humming across the U S a as long as they're not running through the West coast Azure platform. Right. I love how they call it a Brown out. We'll be talking about that in a lot more. Dave, you may fire when ready. Welcome back. Thanks for hanging out with us.<br> <br> Hopefully you're somewhere safe in your homes. Barricaded in bubble wrap. How else can you be right now? Good point here you are listening one and only it in the D show. We are broadcasting live here in studio one in podcast, Detroit in-person in beautiful Royal Oak, Michigan. This is Bob the sales guy. That is Dave the geek. Randy. I do the Twitters is doing the Twitters, find us online it in the d.com. And I was a smoker's cough, not a rotavirus cough fight. Fight a sunlight ideality.com and it give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are so that's the only place you're gonna be able to find this cause ain't no meetups happening anytime soon. Folks. Uh, thanks to uh, I, the situation as it is, I blame the virus. Blame governor Whitmer blame whoever we want to blame.<br> <br> All bars and restaurants are shut down for anything but takeout and carry out, uh, for at least two weeks until at least at three April 5th. Oh yeah, we are. Uh, and so, yeah, no, we're not doing our meetup, uh, this week at the cozy lounge. It has been canceled. We are sorry. Um, it is not our fault. We are victims. This is literally the first time in 13 years, uh, that we will not have an event, uh, in Metro Detroit for the month or in Harbor for that matter. Well, they had the one a couple of weeks ago. They had one. Yeah. And then theoretically if it ends when it's supposed to, they'll still have their next one. So it got kicked around today on LinkedIn, um, about us having a virtual event and while I go, Ooh, good idea. Google Hangouts and I talked to cause some guys at work and they're like, and that's not a bad idea then I thought a logistics, it's a horrible idea of having 50 people in a Google hangout going, hi, my name is Belle and I worked for this company and we sell stuff and we're awesome.<br> <br> Hi bell. It's like a, you know, like an AA meeting, but it's high bill. Um, so we're, we're, we're not going to do a virtual meetup. I, here's the thing, if you, you know that we've got 8,000 members in our LinkedIn site and we got like 2,800 on our meetup site. And then we've got our website. If you need to post your resume, post your resume posted job posted, job posted intro. If you guys want to have private Google Hangouts or like, Hey, you know, Philip A. Day of, of meeting new people, um, we're going to leave that up to you. It's kind of like how we've done our networking events. Right. We'll, we'll, we'll provide the venue and we'll leave it up to you to, to, to do what you wish. Like I'm not going to lie, I have always adding a message board, a component onto our site just cause I don't want to monitor it and I don't want to deal ...