Episode 340 – Managed Way, Internet Saturation in the age of COVID19

IT in the D show

Summary:  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> Welcome to the quarantine, did not shut down, the central studios. Here we are the IT in the D show. This is episode 340 the show must go on guest this week include Reese Sarah, he is the COO of managed way. We're going to be talking about if we're going to be running out of internet cause that's been a hot topic of late and a again, nice timely guest talking about the things that we care about deeply. Why is okay now I can hear me. That was weird. Sorry. I was like, I've got to get some of them internet. God, I get the Internet's Dave may fire and ready. You are listening to the podcast. Detroit<br> <br> visit www.podcastdetroit.com for more information<br> <br> just like ESPN, we ran out of stuff to talk about, so we're going to be talking about stone skipping for two hours. Just Oh, this is actually technology. Actually this is a topical these days. This is the one only IT in the D show. Episode three 40 podcasts and live here in studio one in the essential podcast. He trades studios here in Royal Oak, Michigan. Bob and we'll talk about that in a minute. This is Bob, the sales guy. That's Dave the geek. Randy. I do the Twitters is doing the Twitters because Twitter's is still a working. Find us online IT in the D.com until it doesn't work. And I remember to give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold a year. We got nothing. Uh, we event wise. Yeah, no. So our event last week, uh, unfortunately canceled, uh, because of everything going on.<br> <br> I talked about doing a virtual thing and it did. The more we talked about it, the less sense it made people in a Google hangout going, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey it, no. Um, unfortunately our Ann Arbor event, uh, has now fallen victim, uh, for the first Tuesday of April, uh, with the extension of the closure, uh, out to at least the 13th at the or through the 13th at this point to the 14th. Uh, and, and who knows? Cause now we ha we, we just got, we all just got the same emergency alert to our phone. Dude, that was the first, so I'm listening. I listened to 97 one typically when I'm at what I'm in the car and I'm just, I'm just done blog. Okay. And I heard that was the first time in my life I've heard, and I'm trying to go back my entire life to one I've always heard the test is a test of the emergency broadcast system.<br> <br> I got it through to my phone. I know I did both. Oh I gotta tell my phone also, but it was, it was live over the radio. I'd call it, cut him off cause he's like, Oh my God, that was so loud. And he re-read what he was talking about and that was the first time I've heard it. And it was [inaudible] governor Whitner, you know, you have a 12 o'clock, uh, a nonessential business. It was basically read what it said on your sent to your phone, but I'm like, Hey, that was it cause we were not in hurricane country. That is, yeah, that would have been the first time that I'd actually heard a cut in like that. Cause it's always like it has been a test of the emergency room. I get like no, this was the actual first time I had that. But like apparently it's like super loud when you're a radio DJ and it plays when it takes over you.<br> <br> Yeah. I'm not surprised I guess. But yeah. So I mean I guess the latest update, uh, is that uh, yeah, not all non-essential, but I guess here's my, yeah, so the whole nonessential business thing. Uh, you're supposed to close as of midnight tonight, but you look at what's qualified as an essential business and it's like, well what I like, who's really got a close that cause, well it's, it goes, it goes down, down, down the line. Like so like United shores essential business finance, it's financial services but also distributors and suppliers and people that mean that sub selves is all your it guys, all your [inaudible] food service Telcom. Cause we were worried cause we're, you know,