Episode 343 – Mike Zapcic and Ming Chen, Podcasting During Quarantine, Comic Cons

IT in the D show

Summary: Tonight we're joined by our friends from New Jersey - Mike Zapcic and Ming Chen from ASharedUniverse podcast studios, as well as AMC's Comic Book Men, comic cons around the nation, and all sorts of other places.  It's always a great time when we get to hang and chat with them, so listen in as we talk about the shared pain of shutting down our podcast studios during this pandemic, movies, tv shows, our opinions about the future of comic cons, when things might start getting back to "normal", and much, much more...<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> Hey, this is episode 343 of the one and all the IT in the D show. We actually have guests this week. The one and only both dogs. There's two of you can't be the one and only Ming Chen and Mike Zapcic, you might know them from AMCs comic book men. You might know them now from the proprietors of a share universe podcast studio. Is that who you are? We'll figure that one out or the Ming and Mike podcast. But yeah, this is going to no topics. Is it just catching up with their boys and uh, just talking about, uh, being quarantine. Dave, you may fire one live from our houses with more budget than Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon combined show. We're broadcasting right here from our houses. Episode 343 Bob, the sales guy gave the gig. Randy, I do the Twitters is doing the Twitters and he's with us. Find a saddle, line it in the [inaudible] dot com and give us a do a favor and give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold.<br> <br> <br> <br> Yeah. And this is where a, I usually dive in and start talking about our upcoming events and all that stuff we got going on. And uh, yeah, there ain't none. There's not a damn one.<br> <br> We are a, we are insanely lucky once again to be joined by two very good friends of ours. Uh, Ming Chen, Mike Zapcic, uh, AMCs comic book men. Did you send them the 40 bucks or was I supposed to cause I a I forgot. We need to get that check right. I got their Venmo. Randy quit eating. Okay. Thank you. That came up on my recommended I, I'm a YouTube junkie and I did go through my recommended videos and actually that your little commercial came up was one of my recommended. I was like, Oh crap, Dave's got to send them a check. Fortunately, gentlemen, we are considered a nonessential business. Ah, and we gotta keep<br> <br> the lights on somehow. And here's the thing. I mean, I get it, dude. That's the, that's the agony that we went through. I mean, it was a vetted a month ago, uh, today actually. Uh, we, you know, I think I was online chatting with Bob and Jamie and Matt, the guys that do our Northville studios, cause technically speaking, there is an exemption in our stay at home order for media companies and media production companies. And it was so, and it was like one of those things where, okay, just because we can doesn't really necessarily mean we should. Cause I mean, God forbid something happens and somebody catches it yet. No, we're done.<br> <br> Yeah, that's what we said. Uh, I went there, Ming, what was it? Uh, actually a month ago this, this coming Friday and Ming's taken copper wiring out of the wall. This kind of a bitch bear. Well that's, that's the Detroit, that's the Detroit boy in him. He's a, he's finding an abandoned structure. And I'm like, what are you doing? He's like, we're podcasting from home. He's like, I'm going to figure out how we're going to do this. We're going to freaking do, ah,<br> <br> bring your laptop. I'm like, I'm not leaving it here. Oh yeah. So, uh, yeah, we just now we've been doing this for a month and you know it's not the same. No, no. We talked about this last week. Have you guys been watching late night? They're like the Conans and Stalins and Kimmel's like it's this, this zero like we have microphones so like our budget's higher. Like they're literally just going with an iPhone. Right.