Episode 345 – Fred Brown, COVID-19 Coronavirus Data, Science, Projections

IT in the D show

Summary: Every now and then, we get a little serious... and this is one of those times.<br> <br> This episode isn't really served justice by just listening to it, given the number of graphs, charts, and tables involved during the conversation.  We encourage you to hit our Facebook page at  https://www.facebook.com/ITinTheD/ and catch the video at https://www.facebook.com/ITinTheD/videos/168007971161634/ in order to really get the most out of this episode.  We're joined by Fred Brown, an infectious disease expert with incredible credentials.  We were lucky enough that he gave us well over an hour and a half chatting about the COVID-19 outbreak... where we are, where here really is, and what you can reasonably expect moving forward...<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> And we are good to go. What is up quarantine land? This is the one and only it and the D show where all the way to episode three 45 we got a phenomenal, we were very lucky to have a phenomenal guest this week. Mr Fred Brown, he's an infectious disease expert. I feel like this is every now and then we get a little serious and I feel like just just, just to keep us on our toes. We have to get a little serious now and again. Oh, and by the way, happy birthday Dave. Thank you. I appreciate it man. Um, but yeah, uh, you made fire when ready and we're looking forward to this week show. Hey, what's going on? How's everybody doing? I think our guests are still asleep with our, this is the one and only it in the D show. We made it all the way to episode three 45 do the math, Dave. So that's Bob's wrong plus 329 to close it. And the D that come to his favor, give us a, like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Buying podcasts are sold yet again,<br> <br> this is usually the point where we tell people about our upcoming events and we don't have any, uh, and, and the reason we don't have any upcoming events is why we have our guest on the show tonight. Uh, so yeah. Uh, I guess without further ado, let's go ahead and dive in and, and talk about God. Uh, I guess the only topic that's dominating conversation these days.<br> <br> Oh, you got yourself muted.<br> <br> Yeah.<br> <br> Oh, you got yourself muted, Fred red, you're on mute. There we go. There you go. I apologize.<br> <br> I'm off and running. Well, thanks for having me, Dave. I appreciate it. Of course. No, I appreciate you taking the time to come in. Absolutely. It's a pleasure. Well, you know, I, and I want to get the word out about, you know, what to expect a little bit with this. I, I've been in this game since 1984 we, uh, I actually helped develop the first, uh, AIDS back, uh, the first AIDS test, uh, with a company called Centocor. And we were lucky enough to find the good development first definitive test for AIDS. And from there, that was a 1986. And then from there I helped develop six or seven more vaccines effective for your guests. They have children, they, most of them have been vaccinated by, by my vaccines in the 1990s that we developed. Uh, and I've been involved with probably seven or eight pandemics.<br> <br> We have, we have an epidemic vote every two years. People don't really realize it because they're able to call them now, but you know, they're reasonably frequent. And so if you think about Ebola coming around twice, and we had Zika virus scare, which I was involved with malaria I've been involved with and failed it three times now. So it's, it's a, it's an interesting game. And, um, you know, what, welcome to my world. I'm looking forward to talking a little bit about it. I want to talk about, go a little bit maybe in the background, like I gave a talk to, uh, the Harvard fellows were interested in, in what was happening and so they asked me to give a presentation and I got a little bit of that here just so people have a little bit of background before we talk about what's going ...