Episode 347 – Getting Back to Work, Unemployment Issues

IT in the D show

Summary: Hey, what's going on? This is a one and all the it in the D show broadcasting live from our respective houses. This is Bob the sales guy. It's quarantine day again. That is David. Randy. I do the Twitters is doing the Twitter. Find us online it in the d.com where you'll find all the things. And for episode three 47, we're just going to be, uh, we've got about 20 stories on tap and uh, and see what happens. It feels like Groundhog's day against, like there's nothing really new going on, but there's everything new going on.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br> Yeah, it's, yeah. We'll find new people to help and new ways to try to seduce digital Debar who knows?<br> <br> Hey, you know what? You may fire when ready.<br> <br> Hey, well yeah, so for those of you watching, we decided we were not going to force you to watch the intro this time.<br> <br> This is episode three 47 of the one and only it in the D show. We are a bump broadcasting live in my living room. Dave's in his basement. Randy is in his front room, bedroom front room, mine it in the d.com where you will find all the things and uh,<br> <br> again, as, as has become the norm. Uh, this is the part of the show where we usually talk about all our upcoming events and that kind of stuff. And yet still none. Nope. Nope. Stay at home. Got extended again then. Uh, so we're staying home. In fact, I got to, I got bored enough today. Uh, I know this, I know this makes Randy happy. I reorganized my bar. I uh, he was a, he was bitching cause all the bottles were intermixed. And so now all the vodkas are with the vodka is all the whiskeys are with the whiskeys and yeah.<br> <br> Well plus we can't have events cause you don't want to get shamed by your neighbors or shamed by Facebook. And you know,<br> <br> dude, like apparently social distancing snitches are a thing. That was one of the stories that bounced across like barbecue. Becky and I dunno what it w what would it be? Um, I don't know. Social distancing. Stacy, I don't know,<br> <br> wrap on you, Karen. Um, well no, they're talking about, um, well there, there's, I wanted a couple of things I want to get into. One, the guy that is cutting hair out in West mission, right. And you know, he chose, um, cutting hair. He chose his livelihood over his help and basically open up his business. You know, he was, I don't know if he was ready to go bankrupt, but he already was fed up or I don't remember the exact what you know, but uh, he opened up in basically all the news caught wind, everyone co in social media, caught wind and uh, you know, there, I guess there was a like two hour wait to get a haircut. Cause like, just like me, I need, I need to get my in the borrower, but what am I supposed to do? Um, so this guy opened up and uh, yeah, uh, internet didn't like that very much. He basically didn't close them down.<br> <br> Yeah. And I mean, I, it's not helping or it, I mean, I guess depending on your point of view maybe, but like the, uh, the local judge, uh, said he's not enforcing the, the closure order. Uh, he's not enforcing a restraining order. So I mean you're, you're really getting to the point where this shit is, there's going to be some like some ugly legal battles about, about this crap now. Like, forget, you know, I think my favorite one is, you know, don't worry so much about, uh, you know, the U S gravy seals, mealtime six, uh, don't worry about them as much. Uh, as you know, there's like this, this crap is going to be going on in the courts for years.<br> <br> Well, apparently like there, there, there's a story that you were talking about this doctor, um, I guess he attended a rally and was hugging people and they caught him on Facebook and they basically trashed on him and his practice got a 68 year old doctor and they had to suspend him for a week. And really, you just like hugging people.