Episode 348 – Facebook Avatars and the Latest Online Distractions

IT in the D show

Summary: What is happening? Welcome to the one and only it in the D show in your house version. This is episode three 48 broadcasting live from our homes. This is Bob, the sales guy. That is Dave the geek. I do the Twitters is doing the Twitter is find us online @itinthed.com and do us a favor, give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold. Yeah.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br> And again, as for usual, we're usually, this is where we usually talk about the events and stuff we have coming up. There are none, although we might be getting close. Um, we're going to see how, uh, apparently up North it goes, uh, and around the Trevor city area that just got opened up, uh, where bars and restaurants can open up at 50% capacity and that kind of stuff today. So hopefully, uh, in the near future we will be able to talk about our events in the NRA, Metro Detroit area. Cause we miss. Wow. We miss most of you. There are some of you, let's be honest, we don't, we don't miss all of you, but we miss some of you<br> <br> breaking news, breaking news. There's, I just got a page. Um, your Facebook avatar looks nothing like you and your stupid stop. I,<br> <br> I like, am I the only one like the mother of the one that remembers a Bitmoji and those bits strip things emoji. And it looks so much more a year. It wasn't that long ago. That's what I mean. Like it's like, it's like why is this, why is that a thing everywhere? Like I don't like, well I know I do cause people are bored as shit and they got nothing else to do, so why not?<br> <br> Well, Bitmoji is on by Snapchat. So in order to compete for one thing, here's the thing, like most of the people tried and it was like, ah, I have one friend that was like blue hair girl, pig tail fat. Like you know, like that's my boy. Right.<br> <br> Stephanie's looked really good. Well I think it was a, who was it? Beth Beth Mosley who just said, you know, she put hers out there. She's like, I am not making myself fat. This, this is my, this is my avatar. She's like, I'm not making myself fat. Get outta here.<br> <br> No. And that's, that's the beauty of this stuff. It takes about, you know, this happens what on Sunday where this madness starts and it takes up until Sunday at two o'clock, eight before I call it out, where I'm like, I'm done be before the anti ones come out. Like Homer go under my avatar,<br> <br> Homer sitting at the bar with all the avatars around him. Yeah. It's like literally you have to just wait for like our people to come out like two hours. Well, and like I said, I mean it dude, I get it. Like everybody's bored as shit and it's something stupid and entertaining. Have your fun. It is what it is. It's, you know, to me it's no different than sharing a meme or anything dumb like that, which I mean God knows I share enough of, um, yeah, I, I just, I don't like, I like, I will say this like I can't, cause there were, there were some people that like literally had a lot of like venom and vitriol about the entire thing that I don't get. Like, dude, just like let, let, let people enjoy their things. Like if I got mad about X, I saw a couple of things.<br> <br> Like people got mad. Yeah. There were, there were a few, hold on. Is it like two people on Twitter and then it turns into a Buzzfeed article. Oh, you know, yeah. No, it wasn't a ton of people. It was like I said, but there were a few people that got like, like not us snarky, but like seriously snarky about it. Um, and got kind of shitty with people about them. And it was, eh, you know, it was just like, let people enjoy the things. It's, and it's, and you know, when we do, yes. Like we posted a meme about it. Well that's us. We will openly mock our friends. That's who, that's what friends do in our world. If we're not poking at you, you're probably not on our radar at all. Like for example,