Episode 349 – Binging During Quarantine, 90 Day Fiancee and More

IT in the D show

Summary: Hey, welcome to the one and only IT in the D show. This is episode 349 happy Memorial day to everybody listening. Hopefully you didn't give him a moment of silence today to all the men and women that have made the ultimate price and certainly our freedoms appreciate it. Um, it is because of people like you that we can be the self-entitled jerk wads that we are and we need, we appreciate from our homes. I think this is what our 10th or eighth edition of a foreign team, uh, something like that. Yeah. Yeah. This is, I'm a, if you don't know me, I'm Bob the sales guy that's named the geek. I do. The Twitters is doing the Twitter's. You can find us online at [inaudible] dot com do us a favor. Give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere fine podcasts are sold...<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> except for podcast addict cause apparently just took them off.<br> <br> Yeah, they got, they got pulled back. Oh, they're back now. Yeah. But, uh, and as per usual, this is usually the part of the show where we talk about our upcoming events and we ain't gotten an a in can. In fact, I actually just canceled the, uh, the Facebook listing for the Anarbor event cause that was still on the agenda. Um, yeah, because our governor just extended our stay home, stay safe<br> <br> again until June 12th. Yeah, exactly. So everybody in Trevor city shout out to all my friends up there. No kidding. Travers city is packed.<br> <br> Well, and then they did, apparently they had, um, a couple of people that showed up, uh, positive. Um, obviously they didn't catch it there, like I said, a couple. Um, and so they showed up. Uh, I guess they, you know, they went up and had it and just, you know, developed worse symptoms while they were there. So yay. You know, I think we all were kind of expecting those kinds of stories. Um, but yeah, I mean it's, and it was, uh huh. Well, yeah, no, I mean we'll see more, I'm sure. Uh, but yeah, I mean it's, you know, things got relaxed a little bit. You can have gatherings of 10 or more, you know, or 10 or fewer. Sorry. Um, and, uh, so yeah, I was, I've, I've been surprised. Uh, I left the house a couple of times, like just run a couple errands and, uh, yeah, there's a lot of cops out, so go figure holiday weekend. Uh, and the first time that gatherings are allowed, uh, there's an awful lot of police on the streets.<br> <br> Well, everyone's current, you know, like crazy. It's kind of like, uh, you know, the, the Toga party just opened up. It's like, you know, like there's a running like Forrest Gump to get to wherever they need to get to. You know what I mean? We've all been cropped up in months, man. Everybody's going stir crazy. What are you going to do? Um, yeah. I mean, I'm not gonna lie. I'm feeling it too. Yeah, no,<br> <br> I don't blame you. Um, a couple of interesting things changed this weekend. So we talked last week about my Buddhist legal came back on this weekend or blasted. And so this weekend I'm watching and two things change. Uh, they started piping in cheers and chants, crowd chants, and they basically masked off the crowd the seats with, with advertising. I'm watching it and I go usually use that kind of passively watch. I'm not actively watching. It's kind of a reading news. It's, I'm drinking coffee, you know what I mean? It's like kind of been my Sunday tradition for years and years and years and years and it sounds the same. And I go, wait a minute, there's like full on chance going on and I look up and sure. Shit, empty arena. So where are they piping it in from? Is it from past games? Is it like, are they like, where are they paddle? I don't, I don't know. I would love to, I mean it's going through the PA speakers. It can't be coming like, it can't be coming in remotely from bars. So I got an engineer pushing the cheer button when their team is doing.