Marvel Mix Bulletin 8: International Marvel Women's Day

TaylorNetwork show

Summary: Welcome to the Marvel Mix Bulletin, a Podcast brought to you by the Taylor Network of Podcasts. This broadcast is an accompaniment to the Mighty Marvel Mix Podcast, and we will be bringing you regular briefings on the latest Marvel news as soon as it hits. In this eighth edition, your host Paul Shearman is joined by special guest co-host Leanna Pugsley, as we celebrate International Women's Day 2020. We'll be talking about the evolution of the female comic book character from background supporting character to superhero team leaders and role models. What makes a great female superhero (or villain)? Why have we waited so long to see female-led superhero movies? How has the evolution of Marvel Comics depiction of women influenced the culture shift to see female characters now front and centre of some of the biggest Marvel movies and TV shows? We answer all these questions and more! We also talk about the incredible charity that Leanna has set up, 'From Leia, With Love' - borne out of tragedy but doing so much positive work to support women and families who have suffered from the loss of a baby. You can also find out more about the charity via social media using the tag @flwluk or by visiting We'd love to hear from you with your thoughts on this Bulletin service, and you can reach us through the usual Mighty Marvel Mix channels by emailing us at or finding us on Twitter at @marvelmix and Instagram & Facebook at @mightymarvelmix