DC All Stars ep 40 Green Lantern: Kyle Rayner

TaylorNetwork show

Summary: I’m your host Darrell Taylor and I have with me Gil Colon, Shawn Pryor & Julian Lytle to discuss a time when Hal Jordan crossed the line he had sworn he never would, and stripped the Guardians of the Universe and their legendary Green Lantern Corps of every shred of power they had, out of the ashes the lone surviving Guardian has come to Earth and bequeathed the final power ring to a young man named Kyle Rayner. For this episode we are covering GREEN LANTERN #48-#0. story by Ron Marz and art by Darryl Banks, Jamal Igle, Derec Donovan This podcast is part of the TaylorNetwork which is a home to many great podcasts all available on taylornetwork feed on Spotify, Itunes, Stitcher radio and also google play