RG 230 - The Best Strategies for Millennial Investors w/ Robert Leonard

Investing In The U.S. show

Summary: This week on the show I am chatting with Robert Leonard, expert on helping other millenials get started investing their money. As a millenial myself, we get a bit of flack from older generations that we are "lazy", "entitled", "unmotivated"... the list goes. Well in this show we put all of that BS to bed and talk about just how important the millennial generation will be in terms of continuing to grow the economy, voting, changing the work environment, and most importantly, investing. We cover some great topics: - Where should millennials start with their investing mindst? - What are the best investing strategies for a millenial just starting out? - How can millennials plan for the long term future? - and much, much more. So what are you waiting for? Be like Robert and get started learning about all the incredible opportunities available today for millenials. Be Bold, Be Brave and Go Give Life a Crack!