From The Archives - Phil Longo, Offensive Coordinator, North Carolina

Coach and Coordinator Podcast show

Summary: From the Archives: Phil Longo, Offensive Coordinator, North Carolina This podcast was originally recorded right after Longo made his move to Ole Miss from Sam Houston State. Today's guest is Phil Longo, offensive coordinator at Ole Miss. Longo talks about the difference between playing enthusiastically versus emotionally, how he evaluates players on instinctiveness and how he tweaks 7on7 time to make them even more effective for his team. He also discusses how he turns weaknesses into strengths by always optimizing his playbook. Show notes 1:53 Start as a football coach 2:52 Lessons learned as a young coach 4:33 Building culture within an offense 6:30 Establishing relationships with players 8:28 Emphasizing instinct with players 9:57 Longo's grading system for evaluating instinctiveness 12:30 How Ole Miss breaks down its spring practice schedule 14:09 How Longo turns weak links in the playbook into strengths 16:39 Tweaking plays for red zone and goal line situations 18:04 Special Teams and trick plays 19:35 Don't install RPOs just to say you run RPOs 20:59 Play repetition 22:23 Coach technology 24:45 Keys to running an effective walkthrough 26:17 Role of assistant coaches on game day 27:28 Getting the most from 7on7s 29:25 The winning edge Coach Grabowski’s 3 key takeaways 1) Playing enthusiastically not emotionally 2) Having 26 plays and sticking with it 3) Get your players to play instinctively