Ep. 178 - "Holding These Moments": A Documentary About A Band Called Bane.

The Brooklyn Blast Furnace show

Summary: This caps off the second five part series focusing on Bane. Eleven episodes in total between the two series. The timing was perfect. My guests for Episode 178 of The Brooklyn Blast Furnace are filmmakers; Dan Elswick (director) and Ricardo Cozzolino (editor). Together they created "Holding These Moments". The long awaited documentary about a band called Bane. We discuss, but not in too much detail the incredible documentary they made. From the initial idea about even making one, to setting out and going on the road with the band on their final tour, the editing process, the ups and downs and everything in between. They announce the actual release date in this episode, which I thought was incredibly cool of them to wait to do my show to announce something that so many people have been waiting for for so long. Super cool guys and like I've said before, each and every one of the members of the band and everyone associated with them have been a pleasure to speak with. I hope you enjoyed both of the Bane series. It's been an amazing ride. Much respect to all of you. Enjoy. Bane Forever.